
Speech of Mr. Abu Mohammad Rowshan Jahan
Head of PR & Media-KCAC:

Our mission is to build skill human resources to master the Arts of Hospitality as per the standard of Modern Culinary World.
We live in a generation that can communicate with anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Hundreds of different stories, reports and opinions hit us daily. The students are asking us what to do, where to go, who to be…

In all these voices, we are here to navigate you towards a perfect path which will establish confident, passion, professional knowledge, skills and positive attitude. Khalil Culinary Arts Center is devoted to make a person professional with skills, knowledge and positive attitude through hands-on training which will help to become an appropriate hotelier in the world of hospitality.
We exclusively emphasize on the following key points for achieving the goals of our students:

  • Our institute is furnished with modern state-of-the-art equipment as per the standard of Five Star Hotels.
  • A good number of full-time skilled teachers, chefs and demonstrators are associated with KCAC to serve the purposes of students.
  • We provide World Class Curriculums.
  • We put our best focus on hands-on trainings.
  • Every single student will be provided with Internships in best hotels of Bangladesh.
  • We directly help providing placement in hotels nationally and globally.
  • We directly guide our students in opening business with the help of our advisory team.
  • Finally, we assist our students who wants to work or take higher education globally

Abu Mohammad Rowshan Jahan

Head of PR & Media, Khalil Culinary Arts Center


Leaders are born to lead, not only to dream
or show the path of life, but to build the highway to achieve the goal of life!!

Nazrul Chowdhury
Taslima Jahan
Intakhab Alam Aurko
Asaduzzaman Asad
Rowshan Jahan
Head of PR & Media-